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Design / Create / Build ~ custom design + fabrication of functional home decor and commercial spaces.
AHC work is crafted at our studio workshop in Boston, MA, USA.
Please contact us for custom inquiries.

I am frank and this is American Handcraft.
I create unique custom furniture, decor, and objects for the home as well as design and fabrication of interiors, retail installations and commercial projects.
I was raised in a craft + design centered environment. My mother worked in textiles and fashion and later ran a family business providing supplies and classes in decorative tole painting. We produced many of the supplies in our garage workshop where, at an early age, I was introduced to and practiced many aspects of craft production .
After studying at UNC Chapel Hill, I attended the MA College of Art + Design where I received a BFA in Industrial Design. I continue my work there as a faculty member in the ID Department.
My work represents a personal exploration of character based form, color fueled personality, and material inspired construction in the design and creation of functional and unique furniture, decor, objects, and spaces. I employ a particular consideration and dedication to craft; utilizing an experienced hand in wood and steel fabrication, ceramics, textiles, and mixed media assemblage.
Inspired by people and emotion, I strive to create work that is appropriate, whimsical, elegant, well crafted, and comfortable; often engaging and contextualizing moments of nostalgia and iconography from our human object landscape.
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